Minggu lighting is a professional lighting supplier and service provider. We always adhere to the customer as the center, which enables us to win the trust of customers. Our products are widely used in stainless steel underwater lighting, under wall lighting, outdoor lighting, yard lighting, buried lighting, stainless steel outdoor lighting and moisture proof lighting, providing high quality products and services is our tenet. Professionalism and delicacy is what we always insist on. Focus on improving quality and service is our business tenet, I believe our products and services will meet your satisfaction. Please feel free to contact us for further information. Looking forward to long-term cooperation with you, create a win-win situation!
Company Information
Business License:Audited
Main Products:
Electric Power Pillar Lamps,
Fountain Lights,
Pendant Lights,
Lawn Lights,
Interior Wall Lights,
Garden Lights,
Lighting Accessories,
Lamp Bases,
Solar Deck Lights,
Landscape Lights,
Solar Decorative Lights
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Service Area:Provide services for 235 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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