We are, Global Gumball, inventor of the original Wizard spiral gumball machines. We have been manufacturing the original Wizard spiral machines since 1993 and are known worldwide for our quality and our professionalism. For years our company has lead the bulk vending industry with unique high quality products. Customers and partners have entrusted their businesses to our machines. All Wizards are manufactured and assembled in the USA. Most of the components are produced in the USA. Global Gumball obtains some components from only the best suppliers, such as, Beaver Vending and Oak Mfg.From our first days the company has consistently expanded its offerings of machines to meet customer needs. We offer a wide range of spiral vending machines for most popular sizes of gumballs, bouncy balls, golf balls, and round toy capsules up to 2 inches in diameter. Our machines come in a variety of sizes from 27'' to 6'9'' in height, allowing customers to choose the optimal Wizard for their location.As part of our continuing effort to serve the vending industry, we have brought on a new generation of vending machine, the Electric Wizard series. Electric Wizards can be equipped with credit card and bill acceptors. Plus, vend four to sixteen different products in sized from 16mm-105mm!Global Gumball also produces novelty wishing well coin funnels, the Coin Twister and the Coin Vortex. These are total money makers! People are attracted by their large size, their bright appearance, and line up to deposit their loose change. These are real money makers!New trends can help add to the classic Wizard machines. Now customers can upgrade existing machines with lights. We offer special neon rope and point LED decorations for each Wizard. Global Gumball offers a full range of bright colors, dispensing features, different coin values and even foreign currency support for its machines. Upon request, you may also order custom wrap designs for our vending machines.We at Global Gumball look forward to a long and profitable collaboration with our partners. Let's do business together.
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Business License:Audited
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Children's Toys
Service Area:Provide services for 8 Countries/RegionsView MoreHide
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