Tiger strand bamboo, solid plank T&G. Please provide required information below with quote. Require pictures of your tiger strand product.
•aluminum oxide top coat. How many coats? •How thick are the planks? What is the width and lengths?
•To what standard is the flooring milled?
•What is the Janka rating?
•How old is the bamboo used in production?
•When is the bamboo harvested?
•What grade and species is the bamboo?
•What grade is the flooring?
•What standard of formaldehyde emissions does the flooring adhere to?
•Is the bamboo flooring made in an ISO 9002 certified factory?
•What is the warranty?
•What is your delivery time to Colorado, USA Zipcode 80433?
•What is the estimated shipping cost?
•do you charge for samples
If you cannot answer the questions above we will not consider any quote.
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