Looking for doors and aluminum windows for hotels. Pls check the attached profile to quote and contact me. Thank you.
Rooms Main Doors 220*100 (60mins firerated single swing door
1.Outside single transom:600mm*12
HDF+Firerated board+solid wood filling
+firerated perlit+Firerated
board+HDF+finished+4 sides
smokeproof strips around
Plywood+solid wood +fierated board
+3 sides smokeproof strips
around+back side with waterproof
Secondary Door 220 * 90 (normal single swing door
HDF+solid wood filling
Plywood+solid wood +back side with
waterproof treament
W.C Doors 220*80 (normal single swing door
HDF+solid wood filling
Plywood+solid wood +back side with
waterproof treament
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