Project Opportunity: Supply of Doors and Windows for Residential Project in Costa Rica
Project Overview: We are currently seeking suppliers for doors and windows for a residential project located in Costa Rica. The project aims to combine functionality with aesthetic appeal, and we invite qualified suppliers to submit their proposals.
Supply of high-quality doors and windows that meet local building codes and standards.
Options for various styles and materials (e.g., wood, aluminum, PVC).
Custom sizes may be required as per the architectural plans.
Energy-efficient options are preferred.
Attachments: Please refer to the attached DWG files for detailed specifications and design layouts. These documents outline our exact requirements and preferences.
Submission Guidelines:
Interested suppliers should submit their proposals, including product specifications, pricing, and lead times.
Please include references or examples of previous projects completed.
Deadline for Proposals: 21 days from purchase
Contact Information: For any questions or further clarification, please contact us at
We look forward to receiving your proposals!
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