Dear SirWe need a quotation for a project in Bangladesh in textile project .1. Providing Fire Proof Steel Door(Double Shutter) with panic devices shall be 45mm thickness Flush design comprising of two outer sheets of min 18 SWG steel sheet rigidly connected and reinforced inside with continuous 20 Guage Stifner, spot welded in position at not more than 150mm of center including all fittings, vision panel with glazing(Fire Proof Classification G30) , shop painted with approved office/signal red color fire resistant paint and mineral wool insulation , (min 64 kg/CM density ), including pressed steel frames, complete and shall be fire proof classification T30 and tested as per BS EN 1634 or equivalent international code as per specificationQty: 55setsPrice can be in USD or AEDProject in BangladeshAddress Dubai
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