I hope this finds you well. I am reaching out to inquire about the supply and installation of systems required for our 5 floors admin building project. We are looking to collaborate with your company for the following requirements:
1. Smart System: Supply and installation of a building automation and control system.
2. Fire Alarm System: Design, supply, and installation of a comprehensive fire detection system.
In addition, we would appreciate it if your quotation could include the following details:
Itemized breakdown of materials and equipment
Installation and labor costs
Delivery and lead times
Warranty information
Any additional services or support provided
We look forward to your prompt response and a detailed quotation for the requested items. Should you require any further information or clarification, feel free to contact me.
And if you can pass me your WeChat account it would be easy for communication
Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to working with you.
Best regards
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