Home Product Requirement 7000 Set(s) exw price Cabinet Drawer Runner for Retail Business


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Inquiry No: 17129168877361639754 Published on: 2024-04-12 18:24:19 0 留言给他
7000 Set(s) exw price Cabinet Drawer Runner for Retail Business
Purchase Purpose: For Retail Business
Terms of Payment: T/T
Products Delivered to: United States, California
Prefer Local Quotes: Yes  
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Status: Quotation Expired Quotation Deadline: 2024-05-17 23:00:00

Product List

Product 1: Cabinet Drawer Runner
Quantity: 7000 Set(s)
See attachment profile red packaging is for 1 pair, and green for 10 pair, Light blue mean for packaging requirements,And sizes are in inches. I want this packaging requirements simple, for 1 pair box, and 10 pairs ox i want this packaging requirements with my own Logo design on both slide and packaging. We want exw price on total 7000 sets quantity, 1000 set per size, all things are mentioned in this file if you have any confusion than you can ask me. I have a multiple shipping agent in china. Fir 1 size 1000 set 12 = 1000 14 = 1000 16 = 1000 18 = 1000 20 = 1000 22 = 1000 24 = 1000 total quantity 7000sets
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Intended Product:
Product category : Cabinet Drawer Runner
FOB: USD 1.48 - 1.52 /Piece(s)
Quotation List (2)
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Time Quoted
2024-04-20 20:34:35
2024-04-19 09:51:57
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