Home Product Requirement 5000 pcs Entry-level IP Phones


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Inquiry No: 17089332920947755806 Published on: 2024-02-26 18:48:15 0 留言给他
5000 pcs Entry-level IP Phones
Purchase Purpose: For Distribution Business
Products Delivered to: Iraq, Baghdad, Baghdad
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Status: Quotation Expired Quotation Deadline: 2024-03-27 18:48:15

Product List

Product 1: IPPBX
Quantity: 5000 Piece(s)
We are currently looking for entry-level IP phones. Here are the specs for your kind reference. Please show us all the models that you have. We'd also appreciate it if you can send us a copy of your full product catalogue for our study. Physical specification: No need for external power adapter, and no power adapter input port needed. Only one port (RJ9) for the handset and no need for headset port POE Supported No need for a second ethernet port (PC PORT) One ethernet with 10 Mbps data speed (if this type of speed does not available, use the 10/100 Mbps data speed) No need for color screen Phone size specification: Screen size (2.1 Inch) or close to this size The screen dimensions (2cm Height x 5cm Width) or close to these dimensions The phone dimensions (160cm Height x 150cm Width x 30cm Depth) or close to these dimensions Technical specification: One line only (One SIP's account) Default UDP Port is 5060 No need for voice mail No need for conference call No need voice VLAN No need for dial plan
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Quotation List (2)
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2024-03-19 16:06:22
2024-03-04 18:00:35
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