Home Product Requirement I need can garbage for my distribution in Uganda used in kitchen,bathroom,livingroom and different places in house


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Inquiry No: 16594376679906623195 Published on: 2022-08-02 18:54:28 0 留言给他
I need can garbage for my distribution in Uganda used in kitchen,bathroom,livingroom and different places in house
Purchase Purpose: For Distribution Business
Terms of Payment: T/T
Products Delivered to: Uganda, Kampala
Status: Quotation Expired Quotation Deadline: 2022-09-01 18:54:28

Product List

Product 1: Kitchen Bin
Quantity: 2850 Piece(s)
I need can garbage for my distribution in Uganda.the details is here 1.TWO WHEEL GARBAGE BINS Specification: 120 Litre container with Lead, Resistant to UV degradation, all purpose Bin Remarks: replacement Additional areas (GREEN PROJECT) 2.Item: Darcription WASTE CONTAINER 1100 Litre Domed LID CONTAINER Specification: 1100 Litre Nominal Volume, High quality material, 4 Wheels Mobile Garbage Bin, fitted with wheel brakes, increased stability, Complies to EN840 STANDARD, Load ability 440 KG, Dimension Depth120 mm, With 1060 mm, Height 1370 mm. Remarks: replacement and to cover additional areas (D1, d2, UNGU Camp and Transport based on Green project implementation) 3.GARBAGE BINS 50 LITERS Specification: 50 Liter container with Lead, Resistant to UV degradation, all purpose Bin COLOR (GREEN or BLUE) Remarks: GREEN PROJECT 4.DUST BIN SWING TOP 30 LITERS Specification: SWING BIN WASTE, HIGH GRADE PLASTIC, GRADE A, Rectangular bin, Durable, Thick 30 Liters capacity (COLOR GREEN or BLUE) Remarks: GREEN PROJECT
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