Home Product Requirement food processing machines series


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Inquiry No: 16592693158152900280 Published on: 2022-07-31 20:08:36 0 留言给他
food processing machines series
Purchase Purpose: For Distribution Business
Terms of Payment: T/T
Products Delivered to: India, Andaman and Nicobar
Status: Quotation Expired Quotation Deadline: 2022-08-30 20:08:36

Product List

Product 1: Food Processing Machine Series
Quantity: 2 Piece(s)
ICP201 Forget space consuming cooking appliances and let the iCombi Pro do the work. In less than 1m'''', meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and baked goods are produced with efficiency and ease. The iCombi Pro can take up to 50% bigger loads than its predecessor, requires 10% less energy and saves 10% in energy whilst still delivery excellent and consistent cooking results. Capacity: 20x 1/1 GN . Number of meals: 150 - 300 Dimensions: 877wx913dx 1872 h *Available in Electric & Gas Inclusions: * Technical commissioning by a RATIONAL Service Partner * Unit is supplied with water filter, high temperature PVC drainage kit and a flexible hose to connect to water * User manuals * On site end user training * 2 year warranty
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