Home Product Requirement Inverter ac Split air conditioner


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Inquiry No: 16590164693919414465 Published on: 2022-07-28 21:54:29 0 留言给他
Inverter ac Split air conditioner
Purchase Purpose: For Retail Business
Port of Destination: Karachi
Terms of Payment: T/T
Products Delivered to: Pakistan, Punjab, Abdul hakim
Status: Quotation Expired Quotation Deadline: 2022-08-27 21:54:29

Product List

Product 1: HVAC System
Quantity: 100 40HQ
1,We need T3 inverter compressor 2, we need indoor bloor motor in DC volt 3, we need outdoor fan motor in Dc volt 4, minimum Ampare (0.9 A) 5, we need Pcb kit is good quality 6, we need indoor eveporator good quality
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