Home Design Requirement Interior Decoration Design for 60 ㎡ SPA


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Requirement No: 17156044938815458730 Published on: 2024-05-14 10:24:59 0 留言给他
Interior Decoration Design for 60 ㎡ SPA
Design Service Type: Interior Decoration Design (Floor Plan Layout, Renderings, Construction Drawings)
Drawing Type:
Project Type: SPA
Project Location: Bamenda, North-West, Cameroon, Central Africa
Total Floor Area: 60 m²
Project Grade: Exquisite (3Star-level)
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Design Description:
Spa design, The Hight of the building is 430cm, the width is 340cm and the length is 1000cm. With the hight of the building I think we can make use of a loft to maximize the space up, Not entirely two floor. I would like part to be two floor and then another part just experiencing the long roof, Its a building already and I want to renovate. Its a rented property but I want it to suit my activity 1. Men's grooming where they shave 2. hair washing station 3. Pedicure and Manicure section 4. *Massage room and a shower or jacuzi for cleaning after massage 5. Hair SPA section mainly to take care of ladies 6. We want a guest toilet too. 7. Finally a small cozy lounge and a reception
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Status: Expired Intention Submitted: 3/3 Submission Deadline: 2024-06-13 10:24:59
Intention List (3)
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2024-05-21 15:09:11
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2024-05-19 14:59:48
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2024-05-17 10:44:42
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