Home Design Requirement 2000 square meter supermarket needs interior design to Sudan,North Africa


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Requirement No: 15984953391317375068 Published on: 2020-08-27 10:28:59 0 留言给他
2000 square meter supermarket needs interior design to Sudan,North Africa
Design Service Type: Interior Decoration Design (Floor Plan Layout, Renderings, Construction Drawings)
Drawing Type:
Project Type: Commercial Spaces-General Store
Project Location: Sudan, North Africa
Total Floor Area: - m²
Design Description:
Hi my client is from Kenya. the project is in Sudan He is looking for: - Internal Space design - Supermarket Flow - Lighting design - Supply the FF&E In supermarket i want- coffee shop with small Kitchen Loading and offloading bay with small storage butchery & Cold room Bakery Ready to eat meal display Fresh fruits and Vegtable display & Cold room Juice Bar liquor section in corner of the supermarket the foor plan is as attachment, pls check it and contact with me.
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Status: Expired Intention Submitted: 0/10 Submission Deadline: 2020-09-26 10:28:59
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